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For more information, please visit the Registrar's website.CloseYesNoPreferred/Chosen NameLast Name/Family NameBirthdate (optional: for data validation purposes only)Birthdate (optional: for data validation purposes only)JanuaryFebruaryMarchAprilMayJuneJulyAugustSeptemberOctoberNovemberDecember12345678910111213141516171819202122232425262728293031202520242023202220212020201920182017201620152014201320122011201020092008200720062005200420032002200120001999199819971996199519941993199219911990198919881987198619851984198319821981198019791978197719761975197419731972197119701969196819671966196519641963196219611960195919581957195619551954195319521951195019491948194719461945194419431942194119401939193819371936193519341933193219311930192919281927192619251924192319221921192019191918191719161915191419131912191119101909190819071906190519041903190219011900Enrollment InformationPlease indicate the intended entry term.Fall 2025Fall 2026Fall 2027Fall 2028Fall 2029Fall 2030Please indicate if you would be applying as a Domestic or International student.DomesticInternationalPlease indicate your current or most recent school.Current/Most Recent School CEEB Code:Contact InformationEmail AddressMobile PhoneWould you like to receive occasional text messages about events, deadlines, and the application process?YesNoWould you like to provide your mailing address?NoYesMailing AddressMailing AddressCountryStreetCityRegionPostal CodeI am interested in pursuing the following degree or credential; passing through "Podiatric Medicine" (hidden field)AlumnusCollege Credit PlusDoctoralEducational SpecialistFirst-Year FreshmanGraduate CertificateGraduate English as Second LanguageGuestMastersNon-DegreePodiatric MedicinePost-Undergraduate Degree-SeekingProfessionalTeacher Licensure/EndorsementTransferUndergraduate English as Second LanguagePassing through "Podiatric Medicine" for Inquiry Admitting Unit (Hidden Field)AshtabulaEast LiverpoolGeaugaGlobal EducationKentPodiatric MedicineSalemStarkTrumbullTuscarawasVirtual - 100% OnlinePassing through "Podiatric Medicine" as Masters Program of Interest (hidden field)100% online - Accounting - MSA100% online - Accounting Direct Admit - MSA - Current Kent State students Only100% online - Alternative Licensure Professional Development Institute, English/Language Arts - Non-Degree100% online - Alternative Licensure Professional Development Institute, Mathematics - Non-Degree100% online - Alternative Licensure Professional Development Institute, Science - Non-Degree100% online - Alternative Licensure Professional Development Institute, Social Studies - Non-Degree100% online - Aviation Management and Logistics - MS100% online - Aviation Management and Logistics - MS - Dual Degree MBA degree100% online - Business Administration - MBA100% online - Business Administration - MBA - Accounting100% online - Business Administration - MBA - Business Analytics100% online - Business Administration - MBA - Digital Transformation100% online - Business Administration - MBA - Dual Degree MBA/MA Peace and Conflict Studies100% online - Business Administration - MBA - Dual Degree MBA/MA Translation Studies100% online - Business Administration - MBA - Dual Degree MBA/MPH100% online - Business Administration - MBA - Dual Degree MBA/MS Aviation Management100% online - Business Administration - MBA - Dual Degree MBA/MS Knowledge Management100% online - Business Administration - MBA - Dual Degree MBA/MSN100% online - Business Administration - MBA - Dual Degree MLIS/MBA100% online - Business Administration - MBA - Finance100% online - Business Administration - MBA - Healthcare Administration100% online - Business Administration - MBA - Human Resource Management100% online - Business Administration - MBA - International Business100% online - Business Analytics - MS100% online - Business Analytics Direct Admit - MS - Current Kent State students Only100% online - Certificate - Accounting Analytics100% online - Certificate - Accounting Fundamentals100% online - Certificate - Adult Gerontology CNS (Post-Master’s)100% online - Certificate - Advanced Accounting100% online - Certificate - Autism Spectrum Disorders (post-bachelor’s)100% online - Certificate - Behavioral Interv Spec (post-bachelor’s)100% online - Certificate - Business Analytics (post-bachelor’s)100% online - Certificate - Career Technical Teacher Education (post-bachelor’s)100% online - Certificate - Clinical Research100% online - Certificate - Community College Leadership (post-bachelor’s)100% online - Certificate - Disability Studies/Comm Inclusion (post-bachelor’s)100% online - Certificate - Environ Geog Info Science (post-bachelor’s)100% online - Certificate - Financial Management100% online - Certificate - Geographic Info Science (post-bachelor’s)100% online - Certificate - Health Informatics (post-bachelor’s)100% online - Certificate - Health Sys/Facilities Design (post-bachelor's)100% online - Certificate - Healthcare Compliance100% online - Certificate - Human Resource Management100% online - Certificate - International Business100% online - Certificate - Journalism Education100% online - Certificate - Leadership and Management100% online - Certificate - LGBTQ+ Public Health100% online - Certificate - Medical Librarianship (post-master’s)100% online - Certificate - Nonprofit Management (post-bachelor’s)100% online - Certificate - Nurs Administration/Health Systems Leadership (post-master's)100% online - Certificate - Nurse Educator (post-master’s)100% online - Certificate - Online and Blended Learning (post-bachelor’s)100% online - Certificate - Psychiatric Mental Health NP (post-master's)100% online - Certificate - Quantitative Business Management100% online - Certificate - Women's Health NP (post-master’s)100% online - Clinical Epidemiology - MS100% online - Computer Technology Endorsement Preparation100% online - Criminology and Criminal Justice - MA - Global Security100% online - Criminology and Criminal Justice - MA - Policing100% online - Criminology and Criminal Justice - MA - Victimology100% online - Cultural Foundations - MEd100% online - Curriculum and Instruction - MEd - Curriculum and Teaching Studies100% online - Curriculum and Instruction - MEd - Mathematics Education100% online - Early Childhood Education Pre-Kindergarten (3-5 years) Endorsement Preparation100% online - Educational Psychology - MEd100% online - Educational Psychology - MEd - Gifted Education100% online - Educational Technology - MEd100% online - Educational Technology - MEd - Computer Science Endorsement Preparation100% online - Educational Technology - MEd - Computer Technology Endorsement Preparation100% online - Educational Technology -MEd - Dual Degree MEd/MLIS School Library Media100% online - Epidemiology - MPH100% online - Geographic Information Science - MGISc100% online - Gifted Education Endorsement Preparation100% online - Health Informatics - MS100% online - Interprofessional Leadership - EdD - Athletic Training Education100% online - Interprofessional Leadership - EdD - Cultural Foundations of Education100% online - Interprofessional Leadership - EdD - Curriculum and Instruction100% online - Interprofessional Leadership - EdD - Educational Technology100% online - Interprofessional Leadership - EdD - Leadership in Educational Contexts100% online - Interprofessional Leadership - EdD - Special Education100% online - Journalism Education - MA100% online - Knowledge Management - MS100% online - Knowledge Management - MS - Dual Degree MBA/MS100% online - Liberal Studies - LSM100% online - Library and Information Science - MLIS100% online - Library and Information Science - MLIS - Archival Studies100% online - Library and Information Science - MLIS - Dual Degree MBA degree100% online - Library and Information Science - MLIS - Medical Librarianship100% online - MBA Direct Admit - MBA - Accounting - Current Kent State students ONLY100% online - MBA Direct Admit - MBA - Business Analytics - Current Kent State students ONLY100% online - MBA Direct Admit - MBA - Current Kent State students ONLY100% online - MBA Direct Admit - MBA - Digital Transformation - Current Kent State students ONLY100% online - MBA Direct Admit - MBA - Dual Degree MBA/MA Peace and Conflict Studies - Current Kent State students ONLY100% online - MBA Direct Admit - MBA - Dual Degree MBA/MA Translation Studies - Current Kent State students ONLY100% online - MBA Direct Admit - MBA - Dual Degree MBA/MPH - Current Kent State students ONLY100% online - MBA Direct Admit - MBA - Dual Degree MBA/MS Aviation Management - Current Kent State students ONLY100% online - MBA Direct Admit - MBA - Dual Degree MBA/MS Knowledge Management - Current Kent State students ONLY100% online - MBA Direct Admit - MBA - Dual Degree MBA/MSN - Current Kent State students ONLY100% online - MBA Direct Admit - MBA - Dual Degree MLIS/MBA - Current Kent State students ONLY100% online - MBA Direct Admit - MBA - Finance - Current Kent State students ONLY100% online - MBA Direct Admit - MBA - Healthcare Administration - Current Kent State students ONLY100% online - MBA Direct Admit - MBA - Human Resource Management - Current Kent State students ONLY100% online - MBA Direct Admit - MBA - International Business - Current Kent State students ONLY100% online - Music Education - MM100% online - Nursing - DNP - Executive Nurse100% online - Nursing - DNP - Systems Leadership100% online - Nursing - MSN - Adult Gerontology Clinical Nurse Specialist100% online - Nursing - MSN - Dual Degree MBA/MSN100% online - Nursing - MSN - Nurse Educator100% online - Nursing - MSN - Nursing Administration and Health Systems Leadership100% online - Nursing - MSN - Psychiatric Mental Health Nurse Practitioner100% online - Nursing - MSN - Women's Health Nurse Practitioner100% online - Public Administration - MPA100% online - Public Health - MPH - Dual Degree MBA/MPH100% online - Public Health - MPH - Health Policy and Management100% online - Public Health - MPH - Social and Behavioral Sciences100% online - Reading Endorsement Preparation100% online - Research, Measurement and Statistics - MEd100% online - School Health Education (PK-12) Additional Licensure Preparation - Non-Degree100% online - School Library Media K-12 - MLIS100% online - School Library Media K-12 - MLIS - Dual Degree MLIS/MEd Educational Technology100% online - Special Education -MEd - General Special Education100% online - Translation - MA - Dual Degree MA/MBA100% online - Translation - MA - Language100% online - Translation - MA - Technology and Multilingual Communication100% online - User Experience - MSAdapted Physical Education Endorsement Preparation - Non-DegreeAerospace Engineering - MSAerospace Engineering - PhDAnthropology - MAAOS Internal Use OnlyApplied Geology - PhDApplied Mathematics - MAApplied Mathematics - MSApplied Mathematics - PhDArchitecture - MArcArchitecture - MArc - Accelerated TrackArchitecture - MArc - Dual Degree MArc/MBAArchitecture - MArc - Dual Degree MArc/MUDArchitecture - MArc - Full-Path TrackArchitecture - MArc - Prior-Standing TrackArchitecture and Environmental Design - MSArt History - MAArtificial Intelligence - MSASL/English Interpreting Licensure Preparation - Non-DegreeAthletic Training - MSAudiology/Clinical - AuDBiological Sciences-Cell Biology / Molecular Genetics - PhDBiological Sciences-Cell Biology and Molecular Genetics - MSBiological Sciences-Ecology and Evolutionary Biology - MSBiological Sciences-Ecology and Evolutionary Biology - PhDBiological Sciences-Integrative Physiology/Neurobio - PhDBiological Sciences-Integrative Physiology/Neurobiology - MSBiology - MABiology - MA - Biological Data AnalyticsBiology - MA - Cellular and Molecular BiologyBiology - MA - Environmental BiologyBiology - MA - Medical BiologyBiomedical Sciences - Cell/Molecular Biology - MSBiomedical Sciences - Cell/Molecular Biology - PhDBiomedical Sciences - Human Evolutionary Biology - PhDBiomedical Sciences - Neurosciences - MSBiomedical Sciences - Neurosciences - PhDBiomedical Sciences - Pharmacology - MSBiomedical Sciences - Pharmacology - PhDBiostatistics - MPHBusiness Administration (Fall Admission Only) - PhD - AccountingBusiness Administration (Fall Admission Only) - PhD - FinanceBusiness Administration (Fall Admission Only) - PhD - Information SystemsBusiness Administration (Fall Admission Only) - PhD - MarketingBusiness Analytics - MSBusiness Analytics Direct Admit - MS - Current Kent State students ONLYCareer-Based Intervention Endorsement Preparation - Non-DegreeCareer-Technical Teacher Education - MEdCertificate - Addictions Counseling (post-bachelor’s)Certificate - Adult Gerontology Acute Care Nurse Practitioner (post-masters)Certificate - Adult Gerontology Primary Care NP (post-master's)Certificate - Adult/Adolescent Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner(post-bachelor's)Certificate - Autism Spectrum Disorders (post-bachelor’s)Certificate - Business Analytics (post-bachelor's)Certificate - Career and Academic Advising (post-bachelor’s)Certificate - Career Technical Teacher Education (post-bachelor’s)Certificate - Clinical ResearchCertificate - College Teaching (post-master's)Certificate - Communication and AdvocacyCertificate - Community College Leadership (post-bachelor’s)Certificate - Deaf Ed Multiple Disabilities (post-bachelor’s)Certificate - Disability Studies/Comm Inclusion (post-bachelor’s)Certificate - Early Intervention (post-bachelor’s)Certificate - Family Nurse Practitioner (post-master's)Certificate - Financial ManagementCertificate - Gerontology (post-bachelor’s)Certificate - Human Resource ManagementCertificate - Institutional Research / Assessment (post-bachelor’s)Certificate - International BusinessCertificate - Leading Through ChallengeCertificate - Nursing Home Administration (post-bachelor’s)Certificate - Qualitative Research (post-bachelor’s)Certificate - Quantitative Business ManagementCertificate - Teach English as a Second/Foreign Lang (post-bachelor’s)Chemistry - MAChemistry - MSChemistry - PhDClinical Epidemiology - MSClinical Mental Health Counseling - MEdClinical Psychology - PhDClinical Psychology - PhD - Quantitative Methods of PsychologyCommunication and Information - PhDCommunication Sciences and Disorders - PhDCommunication Studies - MACommunication Studies - MA - Dual Degree MBA/MAComputer Science - MAComputer Science - MSComputer Science - MS - Computational Data ScienceComputer Science - MS - Computer EngineeringComputer Science - MS - Computer SecurityComputer Science - PhDComputer Science Endorsement Preparation - Non-DegreeConducting - MM - Choral ConductingConducting - MM - Orchestra ConductingConducting - MM - Wind Band ConductingConstruction Management - MSCounseling - EdSCounselor Education and Supervision - PhDCreative Writing - MFACultural Foundations - MACultural Foundations - MEdCultural Foundations - PhDCurriculum and Instruction - EdSCurriculum and Instruction - MEd - Curriculum and Teaching StudiesCurriculum and Instruction - MEd - English/Language Arts EducationCurriculum and Instruction - MEd - Mathematics EducationCurriculum and Instruction - MEd - Middle Childhood EducationCurriculum and Instruction - MEd - Science EducationCurriculum and Instruction - MEd - Social Studies EducationCurriculum and Instruction - PhD - Adaptive/Physical EducationCurriculum and Instruction - PhD - Curriculum and Teaching StudiesCurriculum and Instruction - PhD - Early Childhood EducationCurriculum and Instruction - PhD - Educational TechnologyCurriculum and Instruction - PhD - LiteracyCurriculum and Instruction - PhD - Mathematics EducationCurriculum and Instruction - PhD - Science EducationCurriculum and Instruction - PhD - Social Studies EducationData Science - MSEarly Childhood Education (PK-5) Additional Licensure Preparation - Non-DegreeEarly Childhood Education - MATEarly Childhood Education - MEdEarly Childhood Education - MEd - Early Childhood Leadership: Advocacy, Curriculum, PolicyEarly Childhood Education - MEd - Globalization and Intercultural CompetenceEarly Childhood Education - MEd - Science, Technology, Engineering, MathematicsEarly Childhood Education Pre-Kindergarten (3-5 years) Endorsement Preparation - Non-DegreeEconomics - MAE - Economic AnalysisEconomics - MAE - Financial EconomicsEconomics Direct Admit - MAE - Economic Analysis - Current Kent State students ONLYEconomics Direct Admit - MAE - Financial Economics - Current Kent State students ONLYEducational Technology - MEdEducational Technology - MEd - Computer Science Endorsement PreparationEducational Technology - MEd - Computer Technology Endorsement PreparationEmerging Media and Technology - MSEngineering Technology - METEngineering Technology - MET - Dual Degree MBA/METEnglish - MAEnglish - MA - Concentration for TeachersEnglish - MA - Literature and WritingEnglish - PhDEnglish - Rhetoric and Composition - PhD - Rhetoric and CompositionEpidemiology - MPHExercise Physiology - MSExercise Physiology - MS - Athletic TrainingExercise Physiology - PhDFashion Industry Studies - MFISFrench - MA - Applied Linguistics and PedagogyFull-time MBA - MBAFull-time MBA - MBA - AccountingFull-time MBA - MBA - Business AnalyticsFull-time MBA - MBA - Digital TransformationFull-time MBA - MBA - Dual Degree Master of Architecture/MBAFull-time MBA - MBA - Dual Degree MBA/MA Communication StudiesFull-time MBA - MBA - Dual Degree MBA/MA Peace and Conflict StudiesFull-time MBA - MBA - Dual Degree MBA/MA Sport AdministrationFull-time MBA - MBA - Dual Degree MBA/MA Translation StudiesFull-time MBA - MBA - Dual Degree MBA/MEd Higher Education Administration and Student AffairsFull-time MBA - MBA - Dual Degree MBA/METFull-time MBA - MBA - Dual Degree MBA/MPHFull-time MBA - MBA - FinanceFull-time MBA - MBA - Healthcare AdministrationFull-time MBA - MBA - Human Resource ManagementFull-time MBA - MBA - International BusinessFull-time MBA - MBA - Leadership in Conflict MediationGeography - MSGeography - PhDGeology - MSGifted Education Endorsement Preparation - Non-DegreeGraduate Non-Degree Admission - Ambassador Crawford College of Business and EntrepreneurshipGraduate Non-Degree Admission - Coll of Aero and EngineeringGraduate Non-Degree Admission - Coll of Arch and Env DesignGraduate Non-Degree Admission - Coll of Comm and InformationGraduate Non-Degree Admission - Coll of Ed Health Hum SvcsGraduate Non-Degree Admission - College of Arts and SciencesGraduate Non-Degree Admission - College of NursingGraduate Non-Degree Admission - College of Public HealthGraduate Non-Degree Admission - College of the ArtsGuest Admission - Non-Degree - Ambassador Crawford College of Business and EntrepreneurshipGuest Admission - Non-Degree - Coll of Aero and EngineeringGuest Admission - Non-Degree - Coll of Arch and Env DesignGuest Admission - Non-Degree - Coll of Ed Health Human ServicesGuest Admission - Non-Degree - College of Arts and SciencesGuest Admission - Non-Degree - College of Comm and InfoGuest Admission - Non-Degree - College of NursingGuest Admission - Non-Degree - College of Public HealthGuest Admission - Non-Degree - College of the ArtsHealth Education and Promotion - MEd - Community HealthHealth Education and Promotion - MEd - School Health LicensureHealth Education and Promotion - PhDHealthcare Design - MHDHigher Education Administration - PhDHigher Education Administration and Student Affairs - EdSHigher Education Administration and Student Affairs - MEdHigher Education Administration and Student Affairs - MEd - Dual Degree MBA degreeHistory - MAHistory - MA - History for Secondary School TeachersHuman Development and Family Science - MAIntegrated Language Arts Additional Licensure Preparation - Non-DegreeIntegrated Mathematics Additional Licensure Preparation - Non-DegreeIntegrated Science Additional Licensure Preparation - Non-DegreeIntegrated Social Studies Additional Licensure Preparation - Non-DegreeInternational Graduate Exchange-Non-Degree-Ambassador Crawford College of Business and EntrepreneurshipInternational Graduate Exchange-Non-Degree-Appl EngineeringInternational Graduate Exchange-Non-Degree-Arch & Env DesignInternational Graduate Exchange-Non-Degree-Arts and SciencesInternational Graduate Exchange-Non-Degree-Coll Comm & InfoInternational Graduate Exchange-Non-Degree-College of NursingInternational Graduate Exchange-Non-Degree-College the ArtsInternational Graduate Exchange-Non-Degree-EducationInternational Graduate Exchange-Non-Degree-Public HealthK-12 School Library Media Licensure OnlyLandscape Architecture - first-professional degree - MLA1Landscape Architecture - post-professional degree - MLA2Learning Science - MALearning Science - PhDLiberal Studies - LSMMaterials Science - Liquid Crystal Institute - MSMaterials Science - Liquid Crystal Institute - PhDMathematics for Secondary School Teachers - MAMBA Direct Admit - MBA - Accounting - Current Kent State students ONLYMBA Direct Admit - MBA - Business Analytics - Current Kent State students ONLYMBA Direct Admit - MBA - Current Kent State students ONLYMBA Direct Admit - MBA - Digital Transformation - Current Kent State students ONLYMBA Direct Admit - MBA - Dual Degree MBA/MA Communication Studies - Current Kent State students ONLYMBA Direct Admit - MBA - Dual Degree MBA/MA Peace and Conflict Studies - Current Kent State students ONLYMBA Direct Admit - MBA - Dual Degree MBA/MA Sport Administration - Current Kent State students ONLYMBA Direct Admit - MBA - Dual Degree MBA/MA Translation Studies - Current Kent State students ONLYMBA Direct Admit - MBA - Dual Degree MBA/Master of Architecture - Current Kent State students ONLYMBA Direct Admit - MBA - Dual Degree MBA/MEd Higher Education Administration and Student Affairs - Current Kent State students ONLYMBA Direct Admit - MBA - Dual Degree MBA/MET - Current Kent State students ONLYMBA Direct Admit - MBA - Dual Degree MBA/MPH - Current Kent State students ONLYMBA Direct Admit - MBA - Finance - Current Kent State students ONLYMBA Direct Admit - MBA - Healthcare Administration - Current Kent State students ONLYMBA Direct Admit - MBA - Human Resource Management - Current Kent State students ONLYMBA Direct Admit - MBA - International Business - Current Kent State students ONLYMBA Direct Admit - MBA - Leadership in Conflict Mediation - Current Kent State students ONLYMechatronics Engineering - MSMechatronics Engineering - PhDMiddle Childhood Education (4-9) Language Arts/Reading and Science Initial Licensure Preparation - Non-DegreeMiddle Childhood Education (4-9) Language Arts/Reading/Math Initial Licensure Preparation - Non-DegreeMiddle Childhood Education (4-9) Math/Science Initial Licensure Preparation - Non-DegreeMiddle Childhood Education (4-9) Math/Social Studies Initial Licensure Preparation - Non-DegreeMiddle Childhood Education (4-9) Social Studies and Language Arts/Reading Initial Licensure Preparation - Non-DegreeMiddle Childhood Education (4-9) Social Studies/Science Initial Licensure Preparation - Non-DegreeMiddle Childhood Education Language Arts/Reading (4-9) Additional Licensure Preparation - Non-DegreeMiddle Childhood Education Math (4-9) Additional Licensure Preparation - Non-DegreeMiddle Childhood Education Science (4-9) Additional Licensure Preparation - Non-DegreeMiddle Childhood Education Social Studies (4-9) Additional Licensure Preparation - Non-DegreeMusic Composition - MAMusic Education - PhDNursing - MSN - Adult Gerontology Acute Care Nurse PractitionerNursing - MSN - Adult Gerontology Primary Care Nurse PractitionerNursing - MSN - Family Nurse PractitionerNursing - PhDNutrition - MSPeace and Conflict Studies - MA - Applied Conflict TransformationPeace and Conflict Studies - MA - Dual Degree MBA/MAPeace and Conflict Studies - MA - Peace, Conflict and DevelopmentPerformance - MMPerformance - MM - Chamber MusicPerformance - MM - Collaborative PianoPhilosophy - MAPhysics - MAPhysics - MSPhysics - PhDPodiatric Medicine - DPMPolitical Science - MA - American Politics and PolicyPolitical Science - MA - Conflict Analysis and ManagementPolitical Science - MA - Transnational and Comparative PoliticsPolitical Science - PhD - American Politics and PolicyPolitical Science - PhD - Conflict Analysis and ManagementPolitical Science - PhD - Transnational and Comparative PoliticsPsychological Science - PhDPsychological Science - PhD - Quantitative Methods of PsychologyPublic Health - MPH - Dual Degree MBA/MPHPublic Health - MPH - Health Policy and ManagementPublic Health - MPH - Social and Behavioral SciencesPublic Health - PhD - EpidemiologyPublic Health - PhD - Prevention SciencePure Mathematics - MAPure Mathematics - MSPure Mathematics - PhDReading Specialization - MEdResearch, Measurement and Statistics - MEdResearch, Measurement and Statistics - PhDSchool Counseling - MEdSchool Psychology - EdSSchool Psychology - MEdSecondary Education - MAT - ArtSecondary Education - MAT - Chemistry/PhysicsSecondary Education - MAT - DanceSecondary Education - MAT - Earth ScienceSecondary Education - MAT - English/Language ArtsSecondary Education - MAT - FrenchSecondary Education - MAT - GermanSecondary Education - MAT - HealthSecondary Education - MAT - Integrated ScienceSecondary Education - MAT - LatinSecondary Education - MAT - Life ScienceSecondary Education - MAT - Life Science/ChemistrySecondary Education - MAT - MathematicsSecondary Education - MAT - MusicSecondary Education - MAT - Physical EducationSecondary Education - MAT - Social StudiesSecondary Education - MAT - SpanishSociology - MASociology - PhDSpanish - MA - Applied Linguistics and PedagogySpecial Education - EdSSpecial Education - MEd - Deaf EducationSpecial Education - MEd - Early Childhood Intervention SpecialistSpecial Education - MEd - General Special EducationSpecial Education - MEd - Mild/Moderate Education NeedsSpecial Education - MEd - Moderate/Intensive Educational NeedsSpecial Education - MEd - Pre-Kindergarten Special NeedsSpecial Education - PhDSpecial Education Deaf Education Additional Licensure Preparation - Non-DegreeSpecial Education Deaf Education Initial Licensure Preparation - Non-DegreeSpecial Education Early Childhood (PK-5) Additional Licensure Preparation - Non-DegreeSpecial Education Early Childhood (Pk-5) Initial Licensure Preparation - Non-DegreeSpecial Education Mild/Moderate Needs Additional Licensure Preparation - Non-DegreeSpecial Education Mild/Moderate Needs Initial Licensure Preparation - Non-DegreeSpecial Education Moderate/Intensive Needs Additional Licensure Preparation - Non-DegreeSpecial Education Moderate/Intensive Needs Initial Licensure Preparation - Non-DegreeSpecial Education Pre-K Special Needs Endorsement Preparation - Non-DegreeSpecial Education Transition-to-Work Endorsement Preparation - Non-DegreeSpeech Language Pathology - MASport Administration - MASport Administration - MA - Dual Degree MBA/MA Sport AdministrationStudio Art - MAStudio Art - MFA - CeramicsStudio Art - MFA - DrawingStudio Art - MFA - GlassStudio Art - MFA - Jewelry, Metals and EnamelingStudio Art - MFA - PaintingStudio Art - MFA - Print Media and PhotographyStudio Art - MFA - Sculpture and Expanded MediaStudio Art - MFA - TextilesTeaching English as a Second Language - MATeaching English as a Second Language - MA - TESL EducationTeaching English as a Second Language Endorsement Preparation - Non-DegreeTheatre Design and Technology - MFA - Costume Design and TechnologyTheatre Design and Technology - MFA - Lighting DesignTheatre Design and Technology - MFA - Scene DesignTheatre Design and Technology - MFA - Technical DirectionTransient Student - Non-Degree - Ambassador Crawford College of Business and EntrepreneurshipTransient Student - Non-Degree - College of Aeronautics and EngineeringTransient Student - Non-Degree - College of Architecture and Environmental DesignTransient Student - Non-Degree - College of Arts and SciencesTransient Student - Non-Degree - College of Communication and InformationTransient Student - Non-Degree - College of EducationTransient Student - Non-Degree - College of NursingTransient Student - Non-Degree - College of Public HealthTransient Student - Non-Degree - College of the ArtsTranslation - MA - Dual Degree MA/MBATranslation - MA - LanguageTranslation - MA - Technology and Multilingual CommunicationTranslation Studies - PhDUrban Design - MUDUrban Design - MUD - Dual Degree MArc/MUDVisual Communication Design - MAVisual Communication Design - MFAWorkshop - Graduate - College of Education, Health and Human ServicesWorkshop Admission-Grad-Coll Arts&Sci (Just Stu & Languages)Workshop Admission-Grad-College of Comm and Info (Lib Sci)Workshop Admission-Grad-College of the Arts (Art and Music)Submit