Tell Us About YouLoading...Thank you for your interest in Kent State University's College of the Arts graduate programs! Fill out and submit the form below and we'll make sure you have important information about deadlines and admission requirements.Personal InformationFirst Name/Given NameDo you prefer to be called by a different name other than your legal first name? Click here for information on how we use chosen name.How we use Chosen Name at Kent State UniversityChosen Name InformationIf you provide another first name, we will use it in future enrollment communications. Keep in mind that these communications could include messages to your parents, counselor, teachers or recommenders. For more information, please visit the Registrar's website.CloseYesNoPreferred/Chosen NameLast Name/Family NameBirthdate (optional: for data validation purposes only)Birthdate (optional: for data validation purposes only)JanuaryFebruaryMarchAprilMayJuneJulyAugustSeptemberOctoberNovemberDecember1234567891011121314151617181920212223242526272829303120242023202220212020201920182017201620152014201320122011201020092008200720062005200420032002200120001999199819971996199519941993199219911990198919881987198619851984198319821981198019791978197719761975197419731972197119701969196819671966196519641963196219611960195919581957195619551954195319521951195019491948194719461945194419431942194119401939193819371936193519341933193219311930192919281927192619251924192319221921192019191918191719161915191419131912191119101909190819071906190519041903190219011900Please indicate if you would be applying as a Domestic or International student.DomesticInternationalContact InformationMobile PhoneWould you like to receive occasional text messages about events, deadlines, and the application process?YesNoEmail AddressEnrollment InformationI am interested in pursuing the following degree or credential:MastersDoctoralGuestNon-DegreePassing through "Kent Campus" for Inquiry Admitting Unit (Hidden Field)KentAshtabulaEast LiverpoolGeaugaSalemStarkTrumbullTuscarawas100% OnlineAcademic OpportunitiesPlease let us know which one of our graduate programs you're interested in pursuing. We'll make sure you receive important information about your program of interest, deadlines, and admissions requirements.Masters Program of InterestArt History - MAConducting - MM - Choral ConductingConducting - MM - Orchestra ConductingConducting - MM - Wind Band ConductingFashion Industry Studies - MFISMusic Composition - MAPerformance - MMPerformance - MM - Chamber MusicPerformance - MM - Collaborative PianoStudio Art - MAStudio Art - MFA - CeramicsStudio Art - MFA - DrawingStudio Art - MFA - GlassStudio Art - MFA - Jewelry, Metals and EnamelingStudio Art - MFA - PaintingStudio Art - MFA - Print Media and PhotographyStudio Art - MFA - Sculpture and Expanded MediaStudio Art - MFA - TextilesTheatre Design and Technology - MFA - Costume Design and TechnologyTheatre Design and Technology - MFA - Lighting DesignTheatre Design and Technology - MFA - Scene DesignTheatre Design and Technology - MFA - Technical Direction100% online - Music Education - MMDoctoral Program of InterestMusic Education - PhDNon-Degree Program of InterestGuest Admission - Non-Degree - College of the ArtsInternational Graduate Exchange-Non-Degree-College the ArtsGraduate Non-Degree Admission - College of the ArtsIs there another degree or credential you are interested in pursuing?YesNoEnrollment InformationI am interested in pursuing the following degree or credential:MastersDoctoralGuestNon-DegreeAcademic OpportunitiesPlease let us know which one of our graduate programs you're interested in pursuing. We'll make sure you receive important information about your program of interest, deadlines, and admissions requirements.Masters Program of InterestArt History - MAConducting - MM - Choral ConductingConducting - MM - Orchestra ConductingConducting - MM - Wind Band ConductingFashion Industry Studies - MFISMusic Composition - MAPerformance - MMPerformance - MM - Chamber MusicPerformance - MM - Collaborative PianoStudio Art - MAStudio Art - MFA - CeramicsStudio Art - MFA - DrawingStudio Art - MFA - GlassStudio Art - MFA - Jewelry, Metals and EnamelingStudio Art - MFA - PaintingStudio Art - MFA - Print Media and PhotographyStudio Art - MFA - Sculpture and Expanded MediaStudio Art - MFA - TextilesTheatre Design and Technology - MFA - Costume Design and TechnologyTheatre Design and Technology - MFA - Lighting DesignTheatre Design and Technology - MFA - Scene DesignTheatre Design and Technology - MFA - Technical Direction100% online - Music Education - MMDoctoral Program of InterestPublic Health - PhD - EpidemiologyPublic Health - PhD - Prevention ScienceMusic Education - PhDNon-Degree Program of InterestGuest Admission - Non-Degree - College of the ArtsInternational Graduate Exchange-Non-Degree-College the ArtsGraduate Non-Degree Admission - College of the ArtsSubmit