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Thank you!Requestor InformationRequestor's First Name:Requestor's Last Name:Requestor's Email Address:Requestor College/Division:Ambassador Crawford College of Business and EntrepreneurshipCollege of Aeronautics and EngineeringCollege of Applied & Technical StudiesCollege of Architecture and Environmental DesignCollege of ArtsCollege of Arts and SciencesCollege of Communication and InformationCollege of Education, Health and Human ServicesCollege of NursingCollege of Podiatric MedicineCollege of Public HealthDiversity, Equity, and InclusionEnrollment ManagementFinance and AdministrationHonors CollegeInformation TechnologyPhilanthropy and Alumni EngagementProvostRegional CampusesResearch and Economic DevelopmentStudent AffairsStudent LifeUniversity CollegeUniversity Communication and MarketingUniversity Outreach and EngagementRequestor Department:Academic Diversity OutreachAcademic Success CenterAccounting, Department ofAccounts PayableAccreditation, Assessment and LearningAdmissions OfficeAdult and Veteran Services, Center forAdult Student Center (see Adult and Veteran Services, Center for )Advanced Materials and Liquid Crystal InstituteAdvanced Placement Program (College Board)Aerospace Studies | Air and Space Force Reserve Officer Training CorpsAfricana Studies, Department ofAirportAll Campus Programming Board (ACPB)Alternative Credit and Articulation Agreements (formerly Dual Enrollment)Ambassador Crawford College of Business and EntrepreneurshipAnnual GivingAnthropology, Department ofApplied LinguisticsArt, School ofAshtabula, Kent State University atAssessmentBanquet SalesBenefitsBibliography and EditingBiological Sciences, Department ofBiomedical Sciences, School ofBiotechnology ProgramBlack Greek CouncilBlack Squirrel Radio (see BSR)Black United Students (BUS)Brain Health Research InstituteBSRBuilding MaintenanceBurr MagazineBursar's OfficeBusiness Information Support ServicesCampus Bus Services (PARTA)Campus MinistriesCareer & Community StudiesCareer Exploration and DevelopmentCareer Technical Teacher EducationCenter for Gift and Estate PlanningCenter for Student InvolvementCenter for Teaching and Learning (CTL)Chemistry and Biochemistry, Department ofChem-Physics ShopChild Development CenterCleveland Urban Design CollaborativeClinical Experiences, Office ofCollege of Aeronautics and EngineeringCollege of Applied & Technical StudiesCollege of Architecture and Environmental DesignCollege of ArtsCollege of Arts and SciencesCollege of Communication and InformationCollege of Education, Health and Human ServicesCollege of NursingCollege of Podiatric MedicineCollege of Public HealthCollege Tech Prep, Office ofColumbus Program in Intergovernmental IssuesCommunication Studies, School ofCommunity Engaged LearningCommunity ServiceCommuter and Off-Campus Student Organization (COSO)Comparative and Integrative Programs, Center forCompensation, Talent Acquisition and HR RecordsCompliance and Risk ManagementComputer Science, Department ofConcessionsContinuing EducationController's OfficeCorporate and Professional Development, Center forCorporate University | Kent State University at StarkCounseling and Human Development CenterCounselor Education and SupervisionCurriculum ServicesCustodial ServicesDance DivisionData Center OperationsData Management & AnalyticsDegree CompletionDesign InnovationDietetic Internship Program, GraduateDigital Sciences, School ofDivision of Student AffairsEarth SciencesEast Liverpool, Kent State University atEconomics, Department ofEduc Tech Support, Service MgmtEducation/Clinical Experiences, College and Graduate School ofEducational Student LifeEmployee and Labor RelationsEmployee Relations and Labor RelationsEnergy ManagementEnglish Language Proficiency ClinicEnterprise Application ManagementEntrepreneurship, Center forEnvironmental Health and SafetyExecutive MBA OfficeExploratory Advising CenterFacilities Planning and OperationsFaculty AffairsFaculty SenateFamily and Consumer StudiesFashion Design and Merchandising, School ofFashion Museum (see Kent State University Museum)Federated Desktop SupportFinance, Department ofFinancial, Billing and Enrollment CenterFire Safety Services (Compliance and Risk Management)Flash Technology CenterFLASHcard OfficeFleet ServicesFlight TrainingFood CourtFoundations, Leadership and Administration, School ofFusionGeauga, Kent State University at GeaugaGED Scholars InitiativeGeneral Counsel, Office of theGeographyGerontologyGift and Estate Planning, Center forGlobal Education, Office ofGolf CourseGoverning BoardGovernment RelationsGraduate Admissions (see Admissions Office)Graduate Programs OfficeGraduate Student Senate (GSS)Graduate Student Services - EducationGroundsHealth Sciences, School ofHelp DeskHillel at Kent State, in Cohn Jewish Student CenterHistory, Department ofHonors CollegeHR RecordsHuman Development CenterHuman Resources, Division ofIce ArenaInformation Architecture and Knowledge ManagementInformation Security Team (The)Information Technology, Division ofInformation, School ofInfrastructure OperationsIntegrated Life Sciences DepartmentIntercollegiate AthleticsInterfraternity CouncilInterior DesignInternal AuditInternational and Intercultural EducationIT Security and AdministrationIT Training & OutreachJewish Studies ProgramKent Blossom MusicKent Blossom TheatreKent Interhall Council (KIC)Kent ShopKent State OnlineKent State Phone Center (Annual Giving)Kent State Student MediaKent State University FoundationKent State University MuseumKent State University Police AcademyKent State University Press, TheKent Student CenterLaunchNET Kent StateLesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender and Queer (LGBTQ) Student CenterLiberal Education Requirements (LER) ProgramLibrary, Trumbull CampusLifespan Development and Educational Sciences, School ofLuna NegraLyman L. Lemnitzer Center for NATO and European Union StudiesMail ServicesManagement and Information SystemsMaster of Public Administration Program (MPA)Materials Informatics LabMaterials Informatics, Center forMaterials Science Graduate ProgramMathematical SciencesMay 4 Visitors CenterMcNair Scholars ProgramMedia and Journalism, School ofMilitary Science/Army ROTCModern & Classical Languages, Department ofModern and Classical Language StudiesMoulton Hall -- Ohio Learning NetworkMoulton Hall SchedulingMultidisciplinary Social Sciences and Humanities, School ofMusic, School ofNetwork Services & TelecommunicationsNonprofit Studies ProgramNortheast Ohio Trade and Economic Consortium (NEOTEC)Northeastern Ohio Universities College of MedicineOffice of Academic PersonnelOffice of Compliance and Equal Opportunity and Affirmative ActionOffice of Student ConductOhio Award For ExcellenceOhio Employee Ownership CenterOhio Learning NetworkOhio Literacy Resource CenterPanhellenic CouncilParalegal Studies ProgramParking Services (see Public Safety, Department of)PayrollPeace and Conflict Studies, School of (formerly Applied Conflict Management, Center)Philanthropy and Alumni EngagementPhilosophy, Department ofPhysicsPipeline InitiativesPNC BankPolice AcademyPolice Services (see, Public Safety, Department of) - DIAL 911 FOR EMERGENCIESPolitical SciencePorthouse TheatrePower PlantPre College ProgramsPrelaw AdvisingPresident, Office of thePRIDE! KentProcess Evaluation & ImprovementProcurementProfessional Development and Outreach, Office ofProvost, Office of thePsychological SciencesPublic Administration and Public PolicyPublic Safety, Department ofReading and Writing Development CenterReceiving and DistributionRecreation and Wellness ServicesRecruitment and RetentionRegional Campus AdministrationRegional Corporate and Community ServicesRegistrarResearch and Evaluation BureauResearch and Sponsored ProgramsResearch Center for Educational TechnologyResearch Safety and ComplianceResearch, Planning and Institutional EffectivenessSalem, Kent State University atSchwebel Garden RoomService ManagementSexual and Relationship Violence Support Services, Center forSociologySpanish and Latino Student Association (SALSA)Speech and Hearing ClinicSpeech Pathology and AudiologyStark, Kent State University atStudent Accessibility Services (SAS)Student Financial AidStudent Legal ServicesStudent Multicultural CenterStudent OmbudsStudent OrganizationsStudent Recreation and Wellness CenterStudent Success ProgramsStudy and Prevention of Violence, Institute for theStudy of Gender and Sexuality, Center for theSystems DevelopmentTalent AcquisitionTeaching, Learning and Curriculum Studies, School ofTech Help Service and Repair CenterTeleproductionsThe Kent StaterThe Office of Strategy ManagementTheatre and DanceTraining and DevelopmentTRIO Student Support ServicesTrumbull, Kent State University atTuscarawas, Kent State University atTV2Uhuru MagazineUndergraduate Advising - ACCBEUndergraduate Student Senate (USS)University ArchitectUniversity BookstoreUniversity Budget OfficeUniversity CollegeUniversity Communications and MarketingUniversity Conference BureauUniversity Culinary ServicesUniversity Events and Protocol, Office ofUniversity Facilities ManagementUniversity Health ServicesUniversity HousingUniversity LibrariesUniversity Outreach and EngagementUniversity Scheduling OfficeUniversity Teaching CouncilUpward Bound ProgramsVice President for Diversity, Equity and Inclusion, Office of theVice President for Enrollment Management, Office ofVice President for Finance and Administration, Office of theVice President for Human Resources, Office of theVice President for Information TechnologyVice President for Philanthropy and Alumni Engagement (see Philanthropy and Alumni Engagement)Vice President for Research and Sponsored Programs, Office of theVice President for Student LifeVice President for University Communications & Marketing, Office of theVisual Communication Design, School ofWashington Program In National IssuesWomen's CenterWriting CommonsWriting ProgramCo-Requestor Email (Optional - Will Be Copied on Request Communications)Request Details:Request TypeData Report (Lists, Reports, Analysis)Enrollment Initiative/Strategy SupportPowerBi Questions/SupportSlate Access SupportSlate Events SupportSlate General QuestionsSlate ImportSlate Query/ReportName/Title of Request:Requested Due Date:Requested Due Date:JanuaryFebruaryMarchAprilMayJuneJulyAugustSeptemberOctoberNovemberDecember1234567891011121314151617181920212223242526272829303120252026Requested Priority:UrgentHighMediumRequest Description:What are you trying to accomplish? What purpose will this serve? What business need will this meet?What are you planning to do with this report? What actions will you take once you have this report?Submit